Learn everything you need to know about perimenopause and menopause in this Menopause Info Pack!


Ever wondered if what you are experiencing hormonally is 'normal'? Ever wondered how best to support yourself through these hormonal changes? Looking to cut through all the conflicting information out there to hear from true experts everything you need to know about this important time in our lives?


This pack contains everything you need to know about:

- Women's hormones

- The changes we go through in the years leading up to menopause

- And more importantly, provides you with the knowledge to decide what to do next and understand the options that are available to you.

I was shocked to learn that 50% of women in Perimenopause years resigned or took early retirement due to the symptoms they were experiencing.

Most of these women weren't aware that it was their perimenopause symptoms causing their lack of concentration, reduced confidence and poor memory. If they'd had all the relevant information, they could have made different decisions.

Here are just some of the symptoms that we are in perimenopause:

- anxiety

- depression

- joint and muscle pain

- panic attacks

- reduced sex drive

- weight gain

- insomnia

- night sweats

- heart palpitations

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there is a high chance you are in Perimenopause (which can start 15 years before we actually go through menopause!). 

This pack has been compiled to empower you with the knowledge and information to help you manage your symptoms, get appropriate help and understand the nutrition, lifestyle and exercise factors that can massively impact how your body manages this huge hormonal change


What's included?

- All the information you need to recognise when perimenopause has begun and recommended tools and resources to assist you to manage this stage in your life (and knowing you are not alone)

- 4 incredible guest expert talks with leading menopause specialists discussing symptoms and solutions to empower you through this time

- A resources pack full of recommended books, podcasts, blogs and ted talks covering a diverse and incredibly informative range of topics related to menopause

- A comprehensive list of global specialists available for you to reach out to and connect with on social media who provide a wealth of knowledge on this topic

My goal is after taking on board all the information in this pack you will no longer feel alone, confused or overwhelmed but instead feel empowered and well informed to be able to make the right decision for YOU as to how to manage these (often debilitating) symptoms. 

I can't wait to share this with you!

Learn From These Experts:


Hormones talk with leading Hormones and Menopause Specialist Dr Fionnuala Barton

Dr Barton walks us through how to find out if you're peri-menopausal, how to manage hormone fluctuations and what supplements you could take to help ease physical discomforts and live your best life during menopause.


Menopause information workshop with Dr Wendy Sweet

Dr Wendy Sweet is the pioneer of groundbreaking menopause specific weight loss & exercise programmes and the founder of MyMT™.  In this Expert Interview, she'll take you through what is actually happening in your body pre and during menopause, how to manage menopause weight gain, how to feel more energetic, shed excess weight during menopause and work with your hormones to boost your wellbeing during menopause.

Brilliant talk with international best-selling author Katarina Wilk

Katarina Wilk is a Swedish writer and journalist, specialising in health and lifestyle subjects, and the author of the best-selling book Perimenopower. She will share with us everything she has learned both through her own experience (her story is super interesting), research and career (Katarina is a medical journalist and again so lucky to have her come and talk to us). Katarina shares what worked for her, how she knew it was time to start HRT and the research she did to make this decision.


Informative talk with Menopause Health Coach Clarrisa Kristjansson 

Clarissa Kristjansson is a menopause health coach and mindfulness practitioner. In this expert interview, she talks about how hormones affect our mental health, blood sugar level and other physical comforts, and how to create lifestyle changes to turn things around.

Plus a resource pack full of recommended books, podcasts, blogs and Ted Talks covering all the topics related to menopause!

What customers are saying...

" I just wanted to say thanks to Sarah for putting this information together and arranging such great speakers to share their knowledge. The information you have shared is literally life changing and has finally helped me to understand what is happening in my body and what I need to do to get help for myself moving forward. Thank you so much."

- Jo, London

“Wow - where do I start with what I have learnt from all this information on menopause?! I know now that I'm not alone, feeling crap a lot is undoubtedly a symptom of menopause, that I'm going through a crazy hormone time similar to puberty - along with my daughter who is also about to go through puberty - god help us, that normal blood tests from the GP don’t mean I'm not in peri-menopause/menopause, that I need exercise in my life to keep me sane, there are ways to get help privately, ane it’s good to talk about this stuff!

Thanks Sarah for sharing all this wonderful information and stopping me from feeling so alone."

- Kelly, Sydney

"What I’ve learnt from this information is that it’s really important to have the foundations of nutrition, movement, stress management and sleep embedded in my everyday. Then when changes happen I’m going to be able to notice them more obviously. I’m also going to get my hormone levels checked so I have a good read whilst I’m feeling good and before changes begin. Thanks Sarah for empowering me with all the information I need for this next stage in my life."

- Fleur, Sydney

Menopause Info Pack

AU $199



*NOTE - These videos are not a replacement for seeking medical advice from a medical professional